Friday, January 7, 2011

January 7, 2011

January 7, 2011
Originally uploaded by bbryan
I hardly ever take time to read anymore. You see, I have this problem that when I read, I become completely and totally absorbed in the book. It's almost as if once I start a book I have to finish it in one sitting. I've been known to read all night so I can read a book from beginning to end. The last time I spent time reading, I realized I would get mad when my family would interrupt me for some random question like, "What are we having for dinner?" All of these things are reasons I gave it up. But, recently I heard an NPR segment about a series of childrens' books that so intrigued me I went and bought the first book. The series is The 39 Clues. What's unique about these books is they are mysteries and have an online component. So you read the books, then you go online and play the games to help solve the mystery. Right up my alley! As you can see from the photo, Thug the pug is helping me read.


tbell said...

I can relate. I often stay up too late because I HAVE to finish my book...but not so much that I could give up reading....will check out 39 Clues and see what you and Thug are up to! Thanks for the tip!

sbh1cats said...

i am so glad that you started your photo journal back

Betsy said...

Shelly, you're the inspiration for this. I didn't have internet access last night and complained so much to Donald that I would be letting you down he connected his blackberry to his computer so I could post. :-)

maryanne said...

Shelly, you've been my inspiration too this week. I've had a really tough week and I just kept thinking about you, and telling myself I can get through!