Sunday, February 28, 2010


Originally uploaded by bbryan
I spent some time in downtown Concord this morning. These grates were all along the bottom of store fronts. I'm certain they have been there since the buildings were built, but I've never noticed them before.

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Originally uploaded by bbryan
Looks like the daffodils think spring is coming. Too bad they're calling for more snow on Tuesday.

Friday, February 26, 2010


Originally uploaded by bbryan
Thug loves my mother.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Originally uploaded by bbryan
A little blurry, but too cute not to share. Thug is playing peek-a-boo.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Originally uploaded by bbryan
Such a long day today. All I wanted to do was sit on the sofa when I got home. Consequently, the photo of the day is from my spot on the couch.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Originally uploaded by bbryan
Look what arrived at school today!

Monday, February 22, 2010


Originally uploaded by bbryan
"Don't mind me. I'll just sit right here, behind my corn, and eat it all."

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Originally uploaded by bbryan
I had the chance today to get some pictures of the bridal bouquet. It was one of the most beautiful I have ever seen. The groom's grandmother used to be a florist, and this was her gift to Dottie. Ariana roses and calla lilies.


Originally uploaded by bbryan
Every single one of my pictures from the reception turned out bad. This is the best of the lot. The cake was delicious! Each layer was a different flavor, and it was cream cheese icing. I could have just eaten the icing!

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Originally uploaded by bbryan
Donald and his two girls.

Friday, February 19, 2010


Originally uploaded by bbryan
Wedding festivities have officially started! One more gift arrived in the mail today.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Originally uploaded by bbryan
The wedding is in three days. Dottie came and her best friend came in today and are working on center pieces for the reception. The bride is on the left.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Originally uploaded by bbryan
Laissez les bons temps rouler! Or, translated, Let the good times roll! Happy Mardi Gras! The day of over indulgence. In our case, we over indulged in Shrimp Etouffee!

Monday, February 15, 2010


Originally uploaded by bbryan
It's only five more days until Dottie gets married.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Originally uploaded by bbryan
I needed a new pair of shoes to wear with my dress to Dottie's rehearsal Friday. I just couldn't decide between these two pairs. When I realized they were on sale, and both pairs would cost less than one pair not on sale I bought both. Which do you like the best? The dress is olive green and made of t-shirt material. Oh, and by the way, pay no attention to the dog in the background.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Originally uploaded by bbryan
It snowed again overnight. This snow was so much prettier than the last.. It was just snow and no ice or rain.

Friday, February 12, 2010


Originally uploaded by bbryan
We're trying to keep it to these two boxes this year.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Originally uploaded by bbryan
Thug got in trouble tonight. He was begging for food very hard. Consequently, he got mad at me and went to Donald for comfort.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Originally uploaded by bbryan
Three years ago all Donald could talk about was cowboy boots. The girls and I bought him a pair for Christmas. To be honest, I didn't think he'd wear them very often. I was wrong. He wears his boots all the time in the winter. This could possibly be the best gift I ever gave him.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Originally uploaded by bbryan
An image from earlier this year. I actually took this on Jan. 1. It's the trail behind our house.

Monday, February 8, 2010


Originally uploaded by bbryan
Oops. This is what happens when you try to use the toaster oven.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Originally uploaded by bbryan
The dog is tired.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Originally uploaded by bbryan
Donald and I took the long way in to Wilmington today. Seems like a good day to enjoy the scenery. We stopped along the Cape Fear River so I could take some pictures. I loved this one, with the trees reflecting, the dock, the clouds in the sky. Picture perfect. Until you look in the bottom right hand corner.

Friday, February 5, 2010


Originally uploaded by bbryan
It's been a yucky, yucky weather day. Very cold and rainy. Here's a shot of our back parking lot at work. As you can see, it's still covered in snow.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Originally uploaded by bbryan
You get a webcam shot today. Me and my buddy.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Originally uploaded by bbryan
"If I just lay here with my head on my toy, maybe they'll think I'm cute and throw it for me."

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Originally uploaded by bbryan
I decided to play around with shutter speed for today's photo. I set it for 15 seconds, ran to the chair and used a flashlight to make a B (for Betsy). Pretty cool!

Monday, February 1, 2010


Originally uploaded by bbryan
I am slightly cheating today as I took this picture on Saturday. But, when you hear the story you'll understand. For the past week, Donald and I have been awakened in the middle of the night by something in the fireplace in our bedroom. We thought it was a mouse, set traps but didn't catch anything, even though the traps were tripped. Donald went and bought one of the humane traps, set it, and we were very surprised to find it was a squirrel! He set it free, and then we worried that it was a baby and wouldn't survive. To make a very long story short, we caught a grand total of 6 squirrels in the fireplace! Four of them we set free before our conscience got the better of us and guilt set in. It's been really bad weather, after all. The last two we were going to keep in an old gerbil cage until they were old enough to be released. As time went on, I got more and more worried that they wouldn't survive, and I didn't want to be responsible for that. We found a lady that does squirrel rescue, so we took them over to her house. Lo and behold, they're not baby GREY squirrels, they are adult FLYING squirrels! And apparently they are very healthy and large. Who knew?