Photo Journal
A photo a day for 365 days.
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
June 27, 2017
Day 178 of 365, Tuesday. It is an absolutely beautiful day here in NC. We barely made it to 80, and it feels less humid. Donald and I decided to have dinner outdoors tonight. It was glorious.

June 26, 2017
Day 177 of 365, Monday. If you keep your eyes open, you will start to notice beauty or something cool in the strangest places. Today I had to make a trip to WalMart and decided to go in through the garden area. There are lots of plants on clearance, so of course I had to walk through. This is a hummingbird moth, checking out the blossoms. It is unusual to see these, I've only seen a few in my entire life.

June 25, 2017
June 24, 2017
Day 175 of 365, Saturday. This morning we met Dottie and her crew for bagels and a walk along the Neuse River Greenway. We ran into a man just staring straight up, and when we asked he pointed out the osprey nest on top of the utility poles. It was an incredibly cool experience to see the juvenile on the side of the nest, and while we watched, both parents flew in. This is my favorite of the photos I took. You can see the little one watching the mama bird. I can only imagine it is thinking about food.

June 23, 2017
Day 174 of 365, Friday. Boy, am I behind. I guess being on summer vacation has put me on island time. I will be writing this post (and the next few) as though it were really that day, so excuse the present tense even though I'm writing from the past. If that makes any sense.
Today, Donald and I had to attend a funeral in Clayton. It was a little tiny church, but it was beautiful on the inside.
Today, Donald and I had to attend a funeral in Clayton. It was a little tiny church, but it was beautiful on the inside.

Friday, June 23, 2017
June 22, 2017
Day 173 of 365, Thursday. Each day I have been trying to get out and walk in the mornings. It is so easy to do that while I am on summer break, and it makes me feel good. Today, however, I wasn't feeling quite as peppy as I have the last few days. I decided to still take a walk, but to make it a little less strenuous. A little know fact about me is that I enjoy walking through the cemetery. Most people find it creepy, but I find peace there. It is so interesting to me to read the names of people and wonder about their lives. I especially like it when they include a quote or saying on the headstone. Oakwood Cemetery is very close to my house, so I headed that way. As an added bonus, both my grandparents and my great-grandparents are buried here. I always like to stop and visit, and wish they were still around.

June 21, 2017
Day 172 of 365, Wednesday. This is a tale about WalMart and personal mistakes. Most of you know that I help my aunt at her farm. Part of that includes making sure the cats and dog have plenty of food. It isn't always convenient to go to WalMart, so I have been ordering the food online and having it shipped to her house. When I talked with her on the way home from Asheville last week she mentioned that she needed more food. So, when I got home I pulled out my trusty app and ordered. When I was checking out, I noticed I could pick up in store. Since I drive past the store on the way to her house, I thought that might be easiest, so that was the option I chose. Friday morning, I go to pick up my order, and I unfortunately selected the wrong store. The store I wanted was in Kannapolis, but I chose Concord. I knew Donald and I were going out of town over the weekend, so there was nothing I could do except move on. Fast forward to Monday afternoon. As soon as we got back in town, I headed to WalMart for the pick up. Would you believe that was the wrong store too? Good grief. As it turns out, I picked the store all the way out at Concord Mills! There was no way I was going out there at 5:00 in the afternoon, so I decided to wait until the next morning. Tuesday morning, I head to the third WalMart, and finally had the right one! But, not all items in my order had shipped. The girl at the desk looked, and the rest of my items were on the truck to be delivered that afternoon. My only choice was to pick up what was there and come back later. Finally, Wednesday morning, I headed back to WalMart AGAIN. Believe me, the next time I order food, it will be shipped directly to her house.

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