Monday, February 1, 2010


Originally uploaded by bbryan
I am slightly cheating today as I took this picture on Saturday. But, when you hear the story you'll understand. For the past week, Donald and I have been awakened in the middle of the night by something in the fireplace in our bedroom. We thought it was a mouse, set traps but didn't catch anything, even though the traps were tripped. Donald went and bought one of the humane traps, set it, and we were very surprised to find it was a squirrel! He set it free, and then we worried that it was a baby and wouldn't survive. To make a very long story short, we caught a grand total of 6 squirrels in the fireplace! Four of them we set free before our conscience got the better of us and guilt set in. It's been really bad weather, after all. The last two we were going to keep in an old gerbil cage until they were old enough to be released. As time went on, I got more and more worried that they wouldn't survive, and I didn't want to be responsible for that. We found a lady that does squirrel rescue, so we took them over to her house. Lo and behold, they're not baby GREY squirrels, they are adult FLYING squirrels! And apparently they are very healthy and large. Who knew?

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